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Ops Security & SRE Review

DevSecOps and Site Reliability processes will improve the way you handle software, increasing both the stability and security of your product

I will perform a complete security review to identify the current security risks and vulnerabilities in both your software and cloud infrastructure.

I will then provide a list of recommendations and a roadmap to fix them.

Some examples of the most common security issues that I was able to identify:

- Exposed passwords, secrets, API keys and private keys; insecure protocols; weak auth; loose network policies; vulnerable containers and dependencies;

After that I will perform a complete reliability review to identify the current reliability issues and bottlenecks.

I will provide you with the tools to gain metrics from code and infra, to monitor and alert your team when something goes wrong.

These are the most common reliability issues I've encountered:

- High and unjustified resource usage; overprovisioning; poor infrastructure design and configuration; poor software design and architecture; inefficient database queries; non-redundant data storage; inefficient caching strategies; insufficient logging, monitoring and alerting;

Your Incident Management processes will be enhanced and you will see a drop in TTR (Time To Recovery).

Compliance with GDPR, PCI-DSS, ISO 27001, NIST, etc. compliance will be easier to achieve.

Security won't be an optional feature no more, it will become a mindset. Do not limit your company at having a security door, make it a fortress.

Is cybersecurity a priority for you?

  • Mode and timing - on call support or 3+ months of support (remote only).
  • Cost range - starting from 125/h*

* Cost and modes are defined via a signed agreement.

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